Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Kaivisham-black magic

What is kaivisham?

It is a traditional black magic treatment done by black magicians to control the is heard that some poisonous herbs and even mild snake poison is mixed to make it.Whatever the mixture is that thing is non digestible so it will stay in stomach for long period and deviate the persons concentration on anything.Ayurveda has provided clear medicines for curation of this.

As everybody know human body is surrounded with an energy field named Aura.aura is associated with mind.modern science is still in the baby stage in this research.Aura is the electro magnetic circuit what we called the mind. Kaivisham interrups its normal procedure.So the person would seems to be mad.with lack of concentration and negative energy fluctuations he cant think straight.Infact if the poison is slightly higher ..even the black magician cant control him the person starts loose his hair, become black in colour because of the excessive toxin  inside the body.
"kaivisham" -Symptoms

 Kai V isham means Black Magic . One person using for his self interest. This is given to a person in food that which he likes more without his knowledge. The person who eats this will be adorable, sincer and affectionate to that particular person. This food will never get digest, it will remain for days/years in himself.


  1. Could you explain how kaivisham can be cured through ayurveda ? Is there any hindu ritual practised for curing kaivisham through ayurveda ?

  2. Treat ment onu vishadheekarikuoo
