Friday, 18 May 2012

Transcending your sexuality,Spirituality Sex and God

Sex uality can be a vehicle into spirituality rather than an obstacle to it. One way to express your desire to be reunited with God is by merging with another person through sharing your sexuality. The more deeply you feel the longing to return Home, the more deeply you may want to free your sexual nature. And that very expression, when realized as such, adds fuel to the most significant fire there is: the burning up of the human ego and the subsequent dissolving of the illusion of separation. The gift of your sexuality is that it is a profound modality for the ecstatic affirmation of human Love. Why not include sex and God in the same breath? Why would you ever want to see them as opposing forces rather than as partners?
Sex and God

Transcending your sexuality
To become more spiritual is
An Enlightenment illusion.

When God touches your Heart,

Your sexuality is awakened.

Your body lights up and Your life lightens up.

Sex ual expression can be frightening. It is a movement from everyday limited levels of consciousness into an expansion of your energetic aliveness. Two activities that challenge the ego structure down to its very core are meditation and sexual/emotional expression. Both require letting go of the negative mind's usual control over you. The mind/ego has power over you whenever you make negative thoughts real by focusing on them. In meditation and in sex, in order to become the master of your mind, you must escape from its traps that keep you absorbed at the level of thought. You achieve ultimate freedom if you can access a place inside yourself that lives only in the present tense, not trying to go anywhere or to accomplish anything. In this receptive state, Love happens. Fulfillment happens. Happiness happens.It happens Union........
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