is a mental disorder arising from intense anxiety. It is characterized
by a lack of control over acts and emotions, and by sudden seizures of
unconsciousness with emotional outbursts. It is often the result of
repressed conflicts within the person. This disease appears in both
sexes, but it is far more common in yo ung women between fourteen and
thirty five years of age. One of the primary
reasons cited for women in this age group experiencing traces of
hysteria is the fact that their bodies undergo rapid changes during the
child bearing period, causing a number of hormonal imbalances that set
off these instances of hysteria. When someone is experiencing a bout of
hysteria, it is necessary that people around do not panic, and remain
calm themselves. A person who gets hysterical would usually cause others
to panic, further worsening the situation. Outbursts of hysteria are
not uncommon, but it is necessary to id entify the stimulant that is
causing the hysteria before attempting to assist the person to overcome
his or her fears.insecure NIRVANA THE HEALING TOUCH
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