Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Kaivisham-black magic

What is kaivisham?

It is a traditional black magic treatment done by black magicians to control the is heard that some poisonous herbs and even mild snake poison is mixed to make it.Whatever the mixture is that thing is non digestible so it will stay in stomach for long period and deviate the persons concentration on anything.Ayurveda has provided clear medicines for curation of this.

As everybody know human body is surrounded with an energy field named Aura.aura is associated with mind.modern science is still in the baby stage in this research.Aura is the electro magnetic circuit what we called the mind. Kaivisham interrups its normal procedure.So the person would seems to be mad.with lack of concentration and negative energy fluctuations he cant think straight.Infact if the poison is slightly higher ..even the black magician cant control him the person starts loose his hair, become black in colour because of the excessive toxin  inside the body.
"kaivisham" -Symptoms

 Kai V isham means Black Magic . One person using for his self interest. This is given to a person in food that which he likes more without his knowledge. The person who eats this will be adorable, sincer and affectionate to that particular person. This food will never get digest, it will remain for days/years in himself.

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

When the body, mind, and spirit are working harmoniously together, the results are awareness, well being, and a balanced thought. In fact, nothing can beat the feeling of being healed on all levels. This can be achieved through healing meditation.

Healing meditation is done to reprogram the negative thoughts that cause diseases or illnesses to become positive desires in achieving wholeness and health. Your perception of the image does not really matter at all. Most people are seeing themselves through the eyes of their minds. Some just imagine the ongoing process happens in all parts of their body. Others may simply accept the fact that whatever they imagine also happens to them in reality. Regardless of whichever category you belong, you participate actively in the process of healing. This is the most important thing you could do.
Among the easiest forms of healing meditation is the C h a k r a System. The effects are quite profound. During the healing process, the patient's c h a k r s are the center of importance. Your body has 7 major chakras (Chakra System) and a lot of less-significant minor chakras. They are considered as energy centers, points wherein energy flows, and the body's energy junctions. These are the energetic connections to your spiritual essence and pure consciousness. The chakras energetic operations make every part of your body, emotions, mind, and spirit possible.
Every single chakra or basic energy center is a distinctive character corresponding to a unique part of your being. These are energy patterns shaped similar to whirlpools or funnels of energy wherein each vortex lie inside your body, along your spinal cord (center of energy channels) going up into your head. Follow these guidelines using the Chakra System.
1. Like other posture of meditation, Chakra recommends you to sit in a straight position. Lay your feet flat on the floor with uncrossed legs. Put your hands on your lap exposing your palms.

2. Let a sapphire blue or white light surrounds you. You can also ask the help of meditation guides or other meditation practitioners to assist you during the process.

3. The Chakra Center has cabinets containing the Chakra Plates. Every plate has a diameter of six inches similar to a dessert plate's size.

4. Starting with the Root Chakra's cabinet, remove the Chakra Plate. Check for any breakage, discoloration or chips. Since   its  the Root C h a k r a 's  cabinet, the plate must be a beautiful bright red corresponding with the color of the Chakra. If the plate has no damage, then make it shine better in a clockwise direction before returning it back in the cabinet.

5. Repair any cracks if possible but if not then dispose it. Replace it with a brand new Chakra's plate then make it shiny before placing it in the cabinet. Continue the procedure until all the Chakras are finished. This is also the point where you can thank all the people who have assisted you in the cleaning process. Never forget that thanking them is not only showing your good etiquette but also appreciate their goodness and patience with you during the healing meditation process.

Healing meditation can change your condition. But to obtain successful results, it needs regular practice. So, achieve the true healing using the Chakra System.

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Diabetes (diabetes ...mellitus)

Diabetes (diabetes ...mellitus) is a disorder of the human body that is characterized by high blood sugar levels, a condition known as hyperglycemia. It is caused either by an inadequate secretion of the glucose-regulating hormone, insulin or an inadequate response by the body’s cells to insulin.
However, in a person with diabetes, this process is destroyed, leaving him vulnerable to either extremely high energy levels or extremely low. The consequence, of course, could be death, coma, plus complications of several major organs of the body, leading to heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, or blindness. Because of this, diabetes is often characterized as a ‘silent killer.’
now there is a cure for diabetes With the traditional medicine from Nirvana the healing touch

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